从网上找来一个扩展的RichTextEdit组件,支持插入图片,格式文本,设置文本底色等操作,只要调用方法即可。 命名空间:Khendys.Controls.ExRichTextEdit 格式化文本及插入图片Demo: 使用方法: private void menuItem10_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string[] _about = new string[ 10]; Font[] _fonts = new Font[ 3]; rtBox_Main.Rtf = ""; _fonts[ 0] = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 16f); _fonts[ 1] = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12f); _fonts[ 2] = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8f); _about[ 0] = " This text and images are "; _about[ 1] = " being inserted on the\n "; _about[ 2] = " Click "; _about[ 3] = " event of this menu item.\n\n "; _about[ 4] = " Sorry I cleared the document, "; _about[ 5] = " but just click "; _about[ 6] = " undo "; _about[ 7] = " and you'll be ok. "; _about[ 8] = " \n\nHa Ha! No undo.\n\n "; _about[ 9] = " Khendys was here ... "; rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 0], _fonts[ 0]); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 1], new Font(_fonts[ 1], FontStyle.Strikeout)); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 2], new Font(_fonts[ 0], FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), RtfColor.Olive, RtfColor.Aqua); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 3], new Font(_fonts[ 1], FontStyle.Italic), RtfColor.Gray); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 4], new Font(_fonts[ 2], FontStyle.Bold), RtfColor.Red, RtfColor.Yellow); rtBox_Main.InsertImage( new Bitmap( typeof(RtfInsert), " Smilies.AngrySmile.png ")); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 5], _fonts[ 0]); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 6], _fonts[ 0], RtfColor.Blue, RtfColor.Aqua); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 7], _fonts[ 1]); rtBox_Main.InsertImage( new Bitmap( typeof(RtfInsert), " Smilies.CrySmile.png ")); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 8], new Font(_fonts[ 2], FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), RtfColor.Red, RtfColor.Aqua); rtBox_Main.InsertTextAsRtf(_about[ 9], new Font(_fonts[ 1], FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Underline), RtfColor.Black, RtfColor.Red); rtBox_Main.InsertImage( new Bitmap( typeof(RtfInsert), " Smilies.Beer.png ")); }